A tribute to the dreamers
Pernilla Aidt’s second album, ‘Songs that dream’, is an account of love and dreams in the real world
”Music and dreams are of similar substance. We need to dream – and music can channel this need. So nevermind that dreams do not always become reality. Cultivating our dreams is much more important than most people realise. The world needs dreamers to create a better world – and also, what is life worth without dreams?”, asks Pernilla.
She has recorded her second solo album, ‘Songs that dream’, as a homage to wish-dreaming, and it is her hope that the songs will give other people the inspiration to – in her words, “to let the dreams live”.
Pernilla has let her musical dreams float in the direction of an intimate and vulnerable expression, characterised by emotional and poetic song-collages mixed with sound recordings, and where many of the song lyrics are directly inspired from diary notes and e-mails from real life.
“It is as if Pernilla seeks to describe the indescribable – by help of colourful songs and tones which stretch themselves from the ground and up towards an indefinite sky”
Pernilla cultivated a personal style and a niche in her debut album, ‘Serene’, in 2003. In the musical universe of the new album, Pernilla has further developed this unique style where she – in her own words – “now feels one hundred per cent at home”.
The songs are produced and arranged by the duo Travelog. Among other participants in the album are Anders Honoré on saxophone, and Tchando Embalo and Mads Lumholt, whose vocal attributions have roots respectively in Guinea-Bissau and Greenland.
The songs are to become the soundtrack for a book and a documentary film with the title ‘Mail that dream‘ which will be published in 2008.
15 January 2008: Three radio edits ready for radio stations. The songs Blue Sky, Fatras d’Amour and Write U 2nite have been mixed and mastered for radio airplay. Contact Mild Records if you work on a radio station and would like to receive a free maxi single with the three radio edits.
26 November 2007: The pre-master and albumcover layout for Pernilla’s new album, ‘Songs that dream’ was sent to print today. We have received more than 50 preorders on the album already. The CD will come from print on the 11th of December.
“…With broad brushstrokes they crystallise beautiful sound-landscapes incorporating the sounds of nature. You notice birds whistle, mixed in well with Pernilla Aidt’s seductive and charming voice, while the music lingers softly and the instruments, in an affectionate embrace, nestle closely into each other…”
“Med brede penselstrøg udkrystalliseres smukke lydlandskaber, der inkorporerer naturens lyde. Man bemærker fuglefløjt, der blander sig med Pernilla Aidts indsmigrende stemme, i kærlig omfavnelse, smyger sig om hinanden…”
“…The music cleverly avoids becoming background music to be heard in the health centre, primarily because of the picture-creating aspects. You could almost speak of a Nature Symphony…”
“Musikken undgår behændigt at blive til baggrundsmusik, der høres i helsesalonen, først og fremmest på grund af de billedskabende aspekter. Man kunne næsten tale om en natursymfoni…”
Allan Sommer in Jazz Special, Denmark’s leading jazz magazine, June-July 2008
“…A very lovely publication…”
“En meget dejlig udgivelse…”
“…A convincing pulse throughout the entire album…”
“En overbevisende puls igennem hele CDen…”
“…The music is beautifully played, just as beautifully recorded as it nestles itself around the voice like a fairy cloak…”
“Musikken er smukt spillet, lige så smukt indspillet og smyger sig som en alfekåbe omkring stemmen…”
Jazz Special, Denmark’s leading jazz magazine, February 2008
“A stream of songs that support romantic dreams about the meaning of life…”
“En strøm af popsange, der understøtter romantiske drømme om meningen med livet…”
“The music is almost like a film soundtrack. The songs almost like songs of a sirene…”
“Musikken er næsten filmisk. Sangen næsten som en sirenes…”
Gaffa, Denmark’s leading pop music magazine, February 2008
“Went home and put the CD on. It is as beautiful as a dream. You can certainly be proud of this!” (“Gik hjem og satte cd’en på. Den er smuk som en drøm! Den kan I godt være stolte af!”)
Else-Marie Bierlich
“Beautiful music…”
Naked Rain
“How beautiful and poetic your music is – truly made of the same material as dreams…” (“Hvor er dit musik dog smukt og poetisk – i sandheden gjort af samme stof som drømme.”)
Thera Hoeymans, vocalist, Aarhus, Denmark
“Det lyder fantastisk det du laver…” (It sounds fantastic this you are doing here)
Niels Ryde, musician, Odense, Denmark
“I am so glad you are on myspace. Your tracks are absolutely everything anybody would want to hear. Beautiful. Thank you for the outstanding music…”
Hen, musician, New Jersey, USA
“Your music is really beautiful, it brings people in an other world… A world of Peace…
Renaud Schmitt, French composer
Kære Pernilla,
Jeg synes lige at jeg vil sige at jeg virkelig har NYDT at følge din drømme-musik – fra “orkestreret stemmer” til den allersidste overraskende bid efter mindst et minuts stilhed til sidst. Jeg forsøgte at læse lidt i en bog en af gangene jeg lyttede til pladen.
Nej, umuligt. Man MÅ følge og høre efter. Og bagefter sidder noget af musikken i ørerne og lyder videre – fx når man kører til lossepladsen på cykel og den slags.
Jeg kan vældig godt lidt det hele. Allerførst tænkte jeg at det var sparsommeligt kun at bruge så enkelt et tonesprog i melodierne, men at instrumentationen var fin omkring sangene – og meget afvekslende, selvom der over det hele ligger samme drømmetone.
Nu har jeg lyttet til det et par gange og synes noget andet: at det er en meget fin og kompliceret sag / komposition, hvor sang og musik indgår en superfin alliance i enkelhed. Enkelhed spændt op mod raffineret kompleksitet og med stor kapacitet. Der er så mange dejlige overraskelser inde i det smukke væv. Utrolig flot!! Tillykke!!
Nu vil jeg bare ønske at MANGE får den at høre at den kan blive udbredt i verden. GOOD LUCK!
Kærligst, Bente, Birkerød, Denmark
“Det er meget, meget smuk musik…” (This is very very beautiful music…)
Per Wium, music consultant, Copenhagen, Denmark
“…it’s lovely!!! Brilliant job!”
Ruba, singer, Amman, Jordan
“…ABSOLUTELY SUPER!!!! The packaging/art work is sublime too! Great meditation music…evocative voice…takes me to the places of creative dreaming! …”
Rebekah, Global Pulse Events, Sydney, Australia.
“…Bravo pour ton nouvel Album, J’ai écouté toutes tes nouvelles chansons, évidemment ma préférence va naturellement à Fatras d’Amour! Je ne sais pas pourquoi ! …”
Alain Luciani, France
• More info about Pernilla’s debutalbum from 2003, ‘Serene’
PR photos – can be used free of charge on the condition that it is used in connection with an article about Pernilla and/or her albums.Right-click on the photo you wish to download, and choose ‘Save To Disk’ / ‘Save Target as’ (in Danish: ‘Gem destination som’). On mac-computer, hold CTRL-key and click on photo. PR photo 1 |
PR photo 2 160 mm w x 90mm h in 300 dpi – 1.0 MB Photo credit: none Download portrait 2 of Pernilla |
PR photo 3: album cover 90 mm w x 80mm h in 300 dpi – 1.0 MB Photo credit: none Download cv-cover of ‘Songs that dream’ |
Press release – for print or for copy/paste
Print: Press release (in English) in A4 pdf-format – 29 November 2007
Print: Press release (en français – in French) in A4 pdf-format – 29 November 2007
Print: Press release (på dansk – in Danish) in A4 pdf-format – 29 November 2007
Text: Press release (på dansk – in Danish) in A4 Word-format – 29 November 2007
Album info
Album title: ‘Songs that dream’
Artist name: Pernilla Aidt
Genre: cross-over, soundtrack, ambient, dream pop, jazz, folk, world
Catalogue number: MILDCD005
Bar code (UPC/EAN): 5 707471 008
ISCR code DK: DK-AU4-07-00101 (=track 1)
Price code DK: PK91
Album release DK: 8 December 2007
Album release international: 18 December 2007
Published by: Mild Records, www.mildrecords.com
Distribution DK: Gateway Music, www.gateway.dmf.dk, and GDC, www.gdc.dk
Distribution international: CD Baby, www.cdbaby.com,
Online digital distribution DK: www.musik.dk
Online digital distribution international: www.itunes.com
Contact info: info@mildrecords.com
Track info:
Blue Sky
FEATURING: Greg Reeves on acoustic guitar AmbientLyrics: Pernilla Aidt Music: Pernilla Aidt, Mik Aidt & Torsten Myhre JensenDK-AU4-07-00101 |
6:02 |
Open Hand | FEATURING: Tchando on vocal choir, Ilya Magnes on flute AmbientLyrics: Pernilla Aidt Music: Pernilla Aidt, Mik Aidt & Torsten Myhre JensenDK-AU4-07-00102 |
5:21 |
Didn’t Dare | FEATURING: Tchando, vocals
Lyrics: Pernilla Aidt & Salvador Tchando Embalo |
7:19 |
Still Remember | FEATURING: Anders Honoré on saxophone
Lyrics: Pernilla Aidt |
6:42 |
Write U 2nite | FEATURING: Mikkel Nielsen, vocal choir
Lyrics: Pernilla Aidt |
6:49 |
Dawn | FEATURING: Finn Aidt, cello – Anders Honoré, saxophone
Lyrics: Pernilla Aidt |
8:11 |
Twilight | FEATURING: Mikkel Nielsen, vocal choir
Lyrics: Pernilla Aidt |
5:16 |
Dreamsong | FEATURING: Finn Aidt, cello
Lyrics: Deborah Aidt |
8:02 |
Fatras d’Amour | FEATURING: Anders Honoré, saxophone
Lyrics and music: Pernilla Aidt |
5:10 |
This Love | FEATURING: Mads Lumholt, vocals
Lyrics: Lisa Richards |
5:54 |
Antipodean )i( | FEATURING: Mads Lumholt, vocals – Anders Honoré, sax – Mikkel Hornnes, trumpet
Lyrics: Pernilla Aidt The title is pronounced: “anTIpoDEEan Mush” |
9:09 |
Album total duration: 74 minutes.
Lyrics by Pernilla Aidt – except ‘This Love’: by Lisa Richards, and ‘Dreamsong’: by Deborah Aidt.
Music composed by Pernilla Aidt and Travelog – except ‘This Love’: by Greg Reeves and Lisa Richards.
Recordedin Copenhagen and Århus, Denmark, and in Sydney, Australia, in 2007
Produced by Travelog.
Mastering by Thomas Wind, Masterbox.
Cover drawings, voice mails and invaluable support by Deborah Aidt
Supported by The Danish Arts Council’s Committee for Music
TORSTEN MYHRE JENSEN Electric and acoustic guitars and real sound recordings
MIK AIDT Keyboards, grand piano, percussion, real sound recordings, special effects, cover and web design
GREG REEVES Acoustic guitar
TCHANDO EMBALO Vocals on Open Hand and Didn’t Dare
MIKKEL NIELSEN Vocals on Twilight and Write U 2nite
MADS LUMHOLT Vocals on This Love
MIKKEL HORNNES Trumpet and percussion
ILYA MAGNES Djembe drum and flute
• myspace.com/songsthatdream
• Pernilla: pernilla.dk
• Travelog: myspace.com/travelog
• Community for ‘Professional Dreamers’: dreamer.dk
• Visit Pernilla’s ‘Dream Chalet’ in South France: lechalet.org
International – world-wide
The physical album can be purchased online with a credit card on
• CDbaby.com,
The individual songs can be purchased online with a credit card on
• iTunes
• payplay.fm .
• CDconnection
In Sweden the album can be purchased online with credit card on
• cdon.com
In Finland the album can be purchased online with credit card on
• arvostelut.net
In Denmark the album can be purchased online with credit card on
• jazzklubben.dk
• saxo.dk
• macuu.dk
• bilka.dk
• TDConline.dk
and via giro/netbank
• sundcentret.dk
In Japan the songs can be purchased as digital files online with credit card on
• yahoo.co.jp
• The album is distributed in Denmark by Gateway Music and GDC.
• The ‘Songs that dream’ CD-album can also be pre-ordered / obtained by sending an e-mail with name and address to info@mildrecords.com paying DKK 149.00 + 25.00 = DKK 174.00 to bank account 1199-0012179057 in Danske Bank (giro account giro account 1-217-9057 if you go to the post office) for postage within Denmark.
(Outside Denmark the figure is 28 euro, including postage. Read more about international payments here.)